Arts Derbyshire

Introducing The Team Behind Arts Derbyshire – Nicola Middler


Arts Derbyshire is supported by a team whose sole aim is to enrich the community through art and creativity. Although you may already have heard about and partaken in Arts Derbyshire projects, we would like to introduce you to the arts team behind Arts Derbyshire and learn about their work in their own words.

In this article, we are profiling Nicola Middler who is the new Creative Health Producer with the Creative Health Team!                        

Nicola is a passionate and dedicated Creative Producer, arts education specialist and creative health and community arts practitioner, with a proven ability to bring people together through collaborative, co-produced and impactful projects. She holds extensive experience within the arts and cultural sector, including as Programmes and Partnership Management for a leading contemporary art fair, Executive Producer for cultural Festivals across multiple cities, Community Arts Manager and freelance roles managing high profile public art projects, creative mentoring, education resource creation, curation and fundraising. Her work has spanned the corporate, public and charity sectors.


Her practice is centred upon inclusion and access to creativity, actively listening and engaging with collaborators in an authentic and meaningful way to achieve impact. As a Mental Health First Aider and qualified teacher with an MA in Art, Design and Education, her work is rooted in an understanding of the contemporary art world, alongside creative health and education. She is continually seeking ways to further and better her knowledge and shared practice with collaborators.


Nicola has worked with: QUAD // The National Forest Company // Charnwood Forest Geopark // Musson + Retallick // Daryl & Co. // ArtReach // The Affordable Art Fair // Dulwich Picture Gallery // University of Leicester (George Davies Gallery) // The Spark Arts for Children // Buzzing Roots // Escape Artists // The National Trust // The BBC

Stay tuned for the rest of our Introducing Our Team series to find out more about the team behind Arts Derbyshire and read about each individual’s relationship to the creative sector.

Other articles in this series

Meet the rest of the team:

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