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Local Arts & Disability organisations
Accessible Derbyshire
Accessible Derbyshire was launched as a registered charity in February 2014 with the aim of improving the lives of disabled people, their families, friends and carers living in or visiting Derbyshire and the Peak District.
Air Arts
Air Arts offers a wide range of artistic and creative activities for patients, staff and visitors at The Royal Derby and London Road Community Hospitals, to provide moments of distraction from illness, aid wellbeing and improve the hospital experience for everyone.
Hubbub Theatre Company
A producing theatre company and actor training organisation that creates original, devised work that is physical, visual and often uses mask, puppetry and original music. Hubbub offers an exciting and original programme of classes and workshops for adults and young people with Moderate Learning Disabilities.
Level Centre
The Level Centre works with learning disabled people to develop arts projects that reflect their aspirations, and which celebrate their abilities.
Matinée Derbyshire
Matinée provides dementia friendly cinema screenings across Derbyshire for people living with memory challenges, their family and friends.
Regional and National Arts & Disability organisations
Shape is a disability arts organisation. It aims to improve access to the arts for deaf and disabled people whilst supporting deaf and disabled artists to challenge perceptions and promote Deaf and disability culture.
Vocaleyes enables blind and partially sighted people to experience the arts through high quality audio-description. Its service is comprehensive and uniquely placed both to meet the needs and expectations of visually impaired arts attenders, and to support arts venues in making their work accessible through audio-description.
National Arts & Health organisations
The Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance
The Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance is a national membership organisation representing everyone who believes that creativity and cultural engagement can transform our health and wellbeing.
What Works Wellbeing
What Works Wellbeing is an independent collaboration centre that develops and shares robust and accessible wellbeing evidence to improve decision-making.
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