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The annual Erewash Writers Competition is back, and this year we’re delighted to announce that Helen Baggott is our judge!
We provide free entry competitions throughout the year but once a year we ask a fee of £3 per entry, £5 for two. The closing date for entries is Thursday 22nd July 2021.
There are 6 prizes to be awarded this year. The prizes are £100, £70 and £30, plus two highly commended receive free entry for next year!
There is no theme for this competition, you can write anything you like. No minimum word count, maximum 2,500 words. See full details in the ‘Rules of Entry’ below.
Helen Baggott is a freelance editor and writer. Her first short story success was with Writers’ Forum in the late 1990s. Since then she has also written articles for magazines with a focus on history and genealogy. Her latest book, Posted in the Past, has been featured in Family Tree magazine, the i newspaper, and has been a bestseller on Amazon.
Helen enjoys reading short fiction and has worked on a number of collections. Judging a short story competition is, she says, a stimulating and challenging experience.
You can enter either by email or by post – PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES PAYABLE TO D WILKINSON
We are only just now (9th May) able to receive postal entries. Unfortunately, we lost our Parklands Connexion address as an effect of the pandemic. Please send any postal entries to:
EWG Competitions
c/o Janet Devereux, Secretary
631 Tamworth Rd,
Long Eaton,
NG10 3AB
If you have an enquiry, please email Debbie at erewashwriterscomps2@gmail.com as Janet only receives the entries and does not read or process them in any way on receipt of postal entries.
Please follow link to complete our entry form details then paste them into the body of an email. You are welcome to cut and paste these details into the body of an email:
As entries will be judged anonymously you must ensure the entry form is completed. It is acceptable to key the details on the form into the body of an email. You can find the entry form using this link: https://erewashwriterscompetition.weebly.com/entry-form-open-short-story-competition-with-helen-baggott.html
If you have any problems email Debbie at: erewashwriterscomps2@gmail.com
It is acceptable to write your entry into the body of an email following your entry form details, or you may prefer to attach it to an email with your entry form details in the body of the email.
If you choose to attach your entry, please send each entry as a separate attachment in WORD and make sure the title of the attachment or file is exactly the same as the story title you put on the entry form. It is possible we may contact you to ask you convert your entry to a more appropriate format if there are problems reading your entry.
Attachments will be opened when your payment has cleared. Expect a slight delay between sending your entry and confirmation of receipt. For this reason, we suggest the earlier you send your entry, the better it will be for your peace of mind and will help our admin process. Entries sent in the last few minutes may have problems reaching us in time. Entries are not read in the order they are received. You may decide sending your entry in at the last minute suits you better but we advise, as it will not be the last entry read by our team of readers and we would rather NOT have to manage receipt of your entry in the last minute, please try to send your entry in earlier if at all possible.
You can currently pay using Paypal or bank transfer. Email Debbie for the information you need to make a payment. You will be required to pay 40p extra for the fee to pay Paypal if you choose to use this method for payment.
EWG Competitions
c/o Janet Devereux, Secretary
631 Tamworth Rd,
Long Eaton,
NG10 3AB
Your email address is seen by only our competition organiser and is not passed to anyone. It is used only to contact entrants to confirm receipt of entry, to inform of our further competitions and to confirm to the winner they have won. We will endeavour to email you as soon as we can, but sometimes delays will occur.
It is an OPEN themed competition. You can write about anything.
No minimum word count, maximum 2,500 words, not including title. This means you can write any amount of words but must not exceed 2,500 words. Please ensure you include the word count on your entry form and at the end of your entry.
£3.00 for one entry, £5.00 for two entries, £2.50 per entry thereon. We currently accept cheque payment or by Paypal or bank transfer. If you are not in the UK and wish to pay via Paypal, please add £1.00 to your total amount. If you’re in the UK please add 40p to your Paypal payment. Only Debbie will have sight of payment information.
You can enter as many times as you wish but only one entry per entrant can win a prize. Every entry must be accompanied by the appropriate payment.
If you wish to pay by Paypal, please email your entry form and entry first, then contact Debbie for the Paypal address. Please ensure you add £1.00 to pay online via Paypal if you are not in the UK and 40p if you are in the UK. You’re welcome to email Debbie if you want to clarify the total amount payable before making payment. If we only receive a part-payment from you, it is possible your entry may not be included in the competition but we will retain the part-payment. Email Debbie for the bank transfer details, again, after your entry form and entry has been emailed.
All entries will be judged anonymously and no allowance made for age.
We will publish winning entries on this website for those placed first, second and third. We will remove at a later date if required to do so. You are welcome to put a link to your blog, website or email with your winning entry if you wish (subject to editorial approval). Winners may also be mentioned by us on Twitter.
Website pages and blog: http://erewashwriterscompetition.weebly.com/blog.html
Twitter: @EWGCompetition
Copyright remains with author.
Please do not send entries which have been previously published. Entries must be the original work of the entrant. For this competition, we do not want to read entries found to be in print or online anywhere, including blogs.
Do not send entries that have received an award from other competitions, or anywhere else. Please do not send entries currently waiting to be judged in other competitions, or that have been submitted for publication and are awaiting response. Please do not send an entry to us which you will also submit to another competition or for publication elsewhere before our competition results have been announced.
Noon (GMT) Thursday 22nd July 2021. Entries received after this date may not be entered into the competition although we will retain the fee. Winners will be announced on this site, on or before Monday 20th September 2021.
Six prizes – £100 First, £70 Second, £30 Third. Two ‘Highly Commended’ each win free entry to our 2022 comp. A charitable donation will be made* if we receive enough funds to do so.
We can provide a basic critique for £6.00. A detailed critique can be provided for £12.00. Email Debbie: erewashwriterscomps2@gmail.com if you require this service.
Only exception to this rule will be if we decide to cancel the competition (eg if not enough entries have been received to cover the prize fund).
If you are aware of a small charity in the UK that would appreciate a donation from our competition if we were to make one to them, please email Debbie with full details about how and why our donation would be useful to them.
Erewash Writing Competitions is non-profit making and exists to encourage and reward writing. If we have cash remaining after our prize fund has been paid out, we donate to a charity or voluntary organisation.
More info here about where and how we have donated cash: https://erewashwriterscompetition.weebly.com/about-our-charity-donations.html
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