Deaf-initely Women operates a domestic abuse service across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire for deaf female victims/survivors. They are looking to expand their team of dedicated staff by recruiting 2 Personal Navigational Support workers (PNSW):
£11,183.00 for 17.5 hours a week (3 days a week), fixed-term for 12 months, covering Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, and surrounding areas.
The PNSWs will:
This vacancy is open to deaf women only (Exempt under the Equality Act 2010, pursuant to schedule 9, Part 1).
Download the job application pack here
(or visit Deaf-initely Women’s website)
Deadline: Monday 8th January 2024, 12 noon.
Interviews: Wednesday 17th January 2024. Please note that the date cannot be rearranged.
BSL interpreters and speech-to-text will be available on the day.
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