We’re excited to share a great new opportunity with you in the form of our next round of 2021 Artist Residencies, based at the LEVEL Centre in the gorgeous Peak District.
We are looking to support UK based, professional artists and companies from a variety of disciplines (visual, performing & digital). We’re wanting proposals for projects which research and develop ideas by and suitable for learning disabled adults.
To apply please complete the online application form which can be found here.
If you are unable to complete this form, please contact the LEVEL Centre team on info@levelcentre.com or call 01629 734 848.
The application form will capture your personal details, which type of residency you are applying for and equal opportunities monitoring.
For all the information on the call out please visit our website here: https://levelcentre.com/level-residency-lab/
The deadline for submissions is: 13 September 2021
Interviews will take place between 27 September – 8 October 2021
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