Applications are invited for an experienced evaluator for ‘Our Place’, a project led by Junction Arts and only made possible thanks to public funding from the National Lottery through Arts Council England. ‘Our Place’ will showcase the people and places of the East Midlands through the arts.
Location: Some travel across the East Midlands may be required
Duration of freelance contract: June – October 2021
Fee: £2,500 (including VAT and expenses)
Application deadline: 10am Tuesday 8th June
Interviews over Zoom: Tuesday 15th June TBC
Junction Arts and six other arts organisations from the East Midlands are embarking on an ambitious, regional project called Our Place.
Our Place will commission 7 artist residencies in 7 communities across the region to co-create new work that is representative of place. This new work will be filmed by a commissioned filmmaker in a showcase feature of between 3-10 mins duration per community/residency and edited together for a final web broadcast of between 45-60 minutes long. The broadcast will be curated to showcase a diversity of artforms, content and communities that make up our diverse East Midlands, featuring each of the 7 individual pieces linked together by the theme ‘this is our place’. The new work will be premiered online on Thursday 26th August as well as through a series of celebration events delivered by partner organisations over summer 2021.
The project is inspired by ‘Our World’, the first live, global TV broadcast in June 1967 that connected five continents by satellite. The broadcast was conceived by the BBC and invited international artists to perform and represent their respective countries, culminating in a 2-and-a-half-hour celebratory broadcast involving 19 nations. Today, Our World is most famous for the segment from the UK, starring the Beatles who were asked to write an uplifting song to close the broadcast. The Beatles performed ‘All You Need is Love’ for the first time; an incredible response to the anti-war movement and ‘Summer of Love’.
Junction Arts are looking for an experienced evaluator to support us and our six partners to undertake an evaluation of the creative engagement process and the final showcase broadcast. We want to understand the impact of a regional project like Our Place, and capture lessons to inform the development of the project in the future.
We are particularly interested in qualitative research that evidences the impact this project has had on participants and project partners. We want to find out the positive impacts this project has had, for example, in terms of participant wellbeing, skills development, community cohesion etc, and any other benefits you identify.
Junction Arts works in an area where people’s involvement in the arts is significantly below the national average. We aim for participants of Our Place to have a quality experience and the opportunity to work with an artist first hand, giving people a creative voice and a vehicle to celebrate themselves and their community. In areas where there is little opportunity to access the arts, this can be life changing, it can increase confidence, improve wellbeing and broaden horizons.
The purposes of the Evaluation Report are to identify the outcomes from each of the creative residencies with our respective communities and the impacts of the final Our Place broadcast on participants, audiences, artists and partners.
Evaluation of the creative engagement process (June-August 2021):
Evaluation of the final Our Place broadcast (Aug-Oct 2021):
The Evaluator will be supported by the Project Coordinator who will monitor the progress of the project throughout and report back to key stakeholders and funders. As part of the evaluation of the project, the filmmaker will be creating a short documentary film which will capture ‘the making of Our Place’ with each of the partners/artists/communities for wider dissemination and aspired development of Our Place beyond this first phase. Effective and continual communication with the project steering group (partners) and filmmaker is important.
We welcome applications from people of all backgrounds. Please note that the successful applicant may require a DBS background check and to adhere to Junction Arts’ safeguarding policies and procedures.
Project end date: 29/10/21
A fee of £2,500 to include VAT (if applicable) and expenses is available for this work. The Evaluator will be responsible for their own Tax and NI contributions.
Please submit the following documents by email to Junction Arts: info@junctionarts.org
Person Specification (Essential)
The deadline for applications is 10am Tuesday 8th June 2021. Please note that we will not consider late submissions. We expect to notify shortlisted applicants by 10th June with an interview day of Tuesday 15th June, TBC.
If you’ve got any questions, please contact amy@junctionarts.org. Please note that it may take a couple of days to get back to you.
Junction Arts are one of the longest established participatory arts organisations in the country and our vision is to create a better future for everyone through the arts. Established in 1976 we have been at the forefront of participatory arts activity for over 40 years. We believe passionately in the positive impact that arts can have on people and places, especially during COVID restrictions where we have seen the arts used as a form of coping, resilience and vital mental wellbeing.
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