Arts Derbyshire


Job Opportunity: University of Salford Art Collection & Open Eye Gallery

Job Opportunity: University of Salford Art Collection & Open Eye Gallery

Job title: Socially Engaged Photographer-in-Residence – Connecting with Collections
Salary: £12,000 (£250 a day)
Location: Manchester
Hours: Part time, 1 days a week for one year
Contract: Freelance
Closing date: 10AM Wednesday 14 July


From the Open Eye Gallery

Open Eye Gallery and the University of Salford have a strong long- term partnership, with a growing number of facets. The partnership includes co-commissioning work for exhibition which then enters into the University of Salford Art Collection, as well as working together on an MA in Socially Engaged Photography Practice.

Open Eye Gallery is pleased to be working with the University of Salford Art Collection on our latest collaboration to ensure the University Art Collection is more accessible to more people. Open Eye Gallery is recruiting two freelance posts: a Digital Content and Engagement Officer to work with University of Salford Art Collection, and also a Socially Engaged Photographer-in-Residence to work with young people, providing access to the Collection.


Socially Engaged Photographer-in-Residence – Connecting with Collections

We are looking for a practitioner who has an interest in collections and whose practice embraces the opportunity to co-author the project with others, especially young people.


The Socially Engaged Practitioner’s role will include:

  • A research period getting to know the Collection, with access to related records.
  • Approximately 1 day per week, based on site (Salford) when appropriate, with the option for remote working & flexible working when necessary.
  • Taking part in planning sessions with the small Collections team, members of the School of Arts, Media and Creative Technology, (including the M.A. in Socially Engaged Practice).
  • Following your research, working with stakeholders to identify specific communities to engage with your work / the Collection, potentially with a focus on young people.
  • Using the Collection as a starting point, delivering a series of workshops/ sessions with the aim of co-creating work with identified communities – ensuring that it is relevant to them.
  • Offering shadowing opportunities during the above with arts/ photography students.
  • With stakeholder support showcasing some work (or work in progress) in the University’s New Adelphi Exhibition Gallery and online.
  • Contributing to the evaluation process and report – feedback and learning from the residency that can inspire/inform our future working.


Expected Outputs:

  • A reflective period of research with the Collection, ideally documented through regular blog posts, social media or other appropriate platforms.
  • Feedback and learning from the residency that can inspire/inform our future working.
  • Close engagement with identified local communities e.g. through meets, discussions, events, workshops.
  • A set of photography based artworks or documentation images.
  • Sharing generated content digitally as and when relevant via partner platforms and an exhibition/event – at the New Adelphi Exhibition Gallery.

Duration: 12 months – Summer 2021 – Summer 2022

Fee: Freelance fee of £12,000, based on 1 day a week (£250 a day)

To apply and to download the full artist brief, please visit:

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