Déda has a track record in Dance Development and Learning with experience of providing Dance Education in formal and informal contexts including in schools, FE, HE, and through the Déda Academy – our building-based community programme for children and young people. In September 2021 there will also be an MA in Dance and Choreography commencing at Déda in partnership with University of Derby and we will also be in the final two years of our current BA Dance programme.
Building upon this track record we are looking for an experienced freelancer to scope out the current landscape in Dance Education with a view to making informed recommendations for formal or accreditation-based pathways and programmes to sit within Déda’s New Direction (as outlined in our 2021 – 2023 Strategic Plan). We would like to attract applicants who have a working knowledge of the Dance Education and Arts sector today as well as an understanding of its current and future needs.
The successful candidate will have the vision to take their research through into action, with a new strand or strands of business operational by July 2022.
This position is offered on a freelance basis for 12 months with a fee of £18,000 payable in four equal instalments (on completion of agreed contract milestones). We anticipate that the successful candidate will work the equivalent of 2.5 days per week (18 hours pw).
Thanks to Arts Council England and the government’s #CulutralRecoveryFund, we can continue to be #HereForCulture.
Hours: 2.5 Days or 18 hours per week
Fee: £18,000 for 12 months (payable in four instalments)
Based at: 19 Chapel Street, Derby, DE1 3GU and home-based
Responsible to: Head of Dance Development and Learning
We are seeking to recruit from a broad and diverse selection of candidates from a variety of cultures and backgrounds.
NOTE: The information provided in the equal opportunities monitoring form will not be used during the short listing procedure, however we reserve the right to extend the recruitment period to ensure a broad variety of applications have been received.
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