Arts Derbyshire


This year has been one of change and development in our management structure, accompanied by visioning, strategic planning and fund-raising work to build an ambitious and innovative future for the organisation, with our key aims – to be collaborative, creative, responsive and accessible – at the core. We continue to grow our ability to enable and catalyse arts across the county, laying strong foundations for Derbyshire people to have a diverse and place-based opportunity to be involved in the arts and gain the life enhancing benefits that participation can bring.

At the close of the previous year, we had completed a very positive visioning day with Trustees and staff which focused our determination to appoint a Director to the organisation. From a very high-quality field of candidates, we were delighted to appoint Stephen Munn as Arts Derbyshire Director in October. Stephen brings his considerable experience and understanding of the sector to the role and has lost no time in creating an exciting strategic framework and action plan, in producing fund-raising bids to national, public and private organisations, and in consolidating important partnerships across the county.

On the other side of the coin, we were very sorry to say goodbye to Ann Wright, former Head of Arts at Derbyshire County Council, at her retirement in October. Ann has worked tirelessly, with vision and foresight, knowledge and understanding for the arts in Derbyshire. Having started the Derbyshire Arts Development Group in 2012, Ann, foreseeing the need for an independent organisation to carry on the countywide work, steered DADG towards charity status in 2019. Through her role at Derbyshire County Council, and Arts Derbyshire CIO, and underpinned by her sincere belief in the power of creativity, Ann has brought the joy and profound benefits of the arts to countless people across Derbyshire. We thank her wholeheartedly for everything she has done in leading Arts Derbyshire in its formative stages, and wish her the very best time in retirement.

In other changes we said goodbye to Trustee Matt Black, and thank him sincerely for his much valued contribution to the Board, combining insight and hard work with positivity and wit. We have welcomed new Trustees Gary Brockway (as Treasurer) and Simon Hobbs. Dan Oakley and Alice Marshall were re-elected to a new term on the Board.

Our Creative Health Team continues to work with passion, understanding and integrity on a programme that addresses the participation of those in most need, builds connection and collaboration with the health sector, and develops core Creative Health frameworks that have been recognised at a regional and national level.

We have successfully developed our offer to our members, through new look e-newsletters, our attractive and busy website, and our New Horizons Members meetings. This year we held three successful well-attended meetings, each one with a different theme for focused input and discussion – Disability in the Arts, held at Level Centre; Exhibiting and Talking About Your Work, at the Ikon Gallery; and Cultural Strategy and Producing, at New Mills Town Hall. As well as in-depth discussion, the meetings allow time for networking, What’s On noticeboard and members’ Pop Up Exhibition, giving opportunity for members to share, present and talk about their work. This format has proved very popular as there is plenty of scope for personal involvement and input.

As Chair, I would like to sincerely thank all those in our organisation who continue to work, in their own role and in collaboration with others, with so much dedication, hard work, perception and in-depth knowledge. We have a wonderful team across our professional team of consultants, freelance contractors, and voluntary Board of Trustees. Although there is not room here to thank everyone individually, I can say I am proud and privileged to work with such a great team, and chair a vibrant organisation that brings arts and creativity to so many, enhancing wellbeing and enriching lives across the county.

Debi Hedderwick

Chair of Trustees


Click to see our 2023/24 Annual Report



Click to see our 2022/23 Annual Report



Click below to see our 2021/22 Annual Report

Annual Report



Our formal report is also available on the Charity Commission website here – Accounts and annual returns, ARTS DERBYSHIRE – 1184423, Register of Charities – The Charity Commission


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