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Can you write about ‘Space’ in our 50 word Festival competition?
Derby Book Festival is challenging children and adults to write a story about ‘Space’ in up to fifty words for its 2022 Flash Fiction Writing Competition, which is launched on 31 January.
The winning stories will be printed on a set of bookmarks and will be distributed across Derby and Derbyshire to promote Derby Book Festival.
The Flash Fiction competition has three age categories: 11 years and under, 12 – 17 years and 18 years and over. Entries for all categories will be judged by a panel of local writers and creative writing specialists and there will be one winner in each category with a prize for each of a £50 book token.
To enter the competition, visit the Festival website and submit your story using the online form: https://www.derbybookfestival.co.uk/flash-fiction
The closing date for the competition is 10pm on Monday 21 February. The terms and conditions for the competition can also be found on the website, where you can sign up for more information about the Festival.
The seventh Derby Book Festival will be held from 20 – 28 May 2022.
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