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Join the team at QUAD: FORMAT Producer
Closing date for applications: Sunday 7 August 2022, 23:59 (BST)
Freelance Fee: £10,000 (based on an estimated 60 – 70 days during the period from September 2022 to May 2023); monthly payments.
QUAD and FORMAT International Photography Festival is seeking an experienced Producer to join the team to play a key role in the development and delivery of the main FORMAT biennale festival that will take place in Derby and satellite regions from 16 March to 9 April 2023.
The Producer will work closely with the core team on the lead up to and during the festival, with additional reporting and evaluation work post the festival being completed up to the end of May 2023.
The successful applicant will support the team on the effective operations of the festival and delivery of all related programme outputs. They will help drive the programme forward with a specific focus on the production of new exhibitions and commissions for the festival.
FORMAT International Photography Festival is the UK’s largest biennale festival of photography and related media, and a leading international platform for supporting the development, production and presentation of ambitious new work by artists in the UK and internationally that includes exhibitions, publicly sited commissions, conferences, talks, workshops, residencies, and the FORMAT International Portfolio Review. FORMAT is based at QUAD, where it is an integral year on year offer to local, regional and international audiences.
QUAD is an international centre for engagement in contemporary art and film, based in Derby. QUAD is a charity focused on intercultural dialogue through supporting diverse audiences to engage, develop skills and contribute to contemporary culture.
Full job description and person specification can be downloaded from here.
(Large text version also available here).
To apply:
Please forward the following to angelar@derbyquad.co.uk with ‘FORMAT Producer’ in the subject line (or post it to HR, QUAD, Market Place, Derby DE1 3AS)
• CV (maximum 4 sides of A4)
• Covering letter explaining why you are interested in this post and how your previous experience and future ambition qualify you for the role (maximum 2 sides of A4)
We support and provide adjustments for people with disabilities – if you have a disability and need help with the application process or would prefer to send your application in an alternative format please contact us on the email above.
Interview date: Week commencing 15 August 2022
Role in place by: September 2022
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