Arts Derbyshire


Fringe news and an invitation for 20th November!

Fringe 2025

Next year’s Fringe dates have now been confirmed as July 9-27, running in parallel to Buxton International Festival (July 10-27). We will be open for entries from December 1 by which time our website’s Take Part pages will have been updated. In the meantime they can be used as a general guide. Anyone can enter and the great news is that our entry fees have been frozen for a third year!

Fringe AGM

Our Annual General Meeting takes place on Wednesday 20th November at the Green Man Gallery Hardwick Square South, Buxton SK17 6PY. It will be 7 for 7:30pm with wine and nibbles. At this special event we will be marking the retirement of Stephen Walker as Fringe Chair and welcoming a new Fringe Chair in his place. We will also be thanking the Green Man Gallery, which has been such an important venue for the Fringe. You are all cordially invited! It will be followed by a committee meeting – feel free to join us!

Fringe Friends – please read!

It is easy to become a Fringe Friend thanks to our handy online form available via our Friends page on the website. We have been delighted to welcome new Friends this year with the total number now standing at 220!

As well as enjoying 10% off full ticket prices, Fringe Friends benefit from invitations, news updates, an early printed programme plus badge and a whole host of special offers in the town during the Fringe itself. Our Fringe Friends are an important source of funding for us helping us keep performers’ entry fees low.

If you are already a Fringe Friend, we have some important information for you – we have a new bank account:

Buxton Festival Fringe A/C No 67356645 Sort Code 08-92-99

Please could you amend your standing order to reflect this. We cannot do this on your behalf. Note also that our membership fees are now £15 single or £25 joint membership where two people live at the same address.

Fringe Surveys

A big thank you to everyone who filled in an audience or entrants’ survey. We have been analysing statistics and responses and are very encouraged by your comments as well as the figures showing bigger audiences and a combined performer and punter expenditure that boosted the local economy by well over £300,000. Please have a look at our press release for further information. We take note of all your feedback and are constantly striving to improve the Fringe.

Get involved

This is a great time to get involved behind the scenes. Why not contact us and let us know your skills and interests? Or come along and talk to us at the AGM? Fringe work is very varied and includes practical, creative and organisational tasks. Many hands make light work so don’t feel you will be swamped!

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