Friday 24th February 2023 marks one year since the invasion of Ukraine. Since then, millions of Ukrainians have been forced to leave their country, with many coming to the UK and some becoming part of Darley Dale’s community. The Whitworth and Darley Dale Town Council are working with MAKE, a local creative group, made up of local residents and those who are new to the country, to mark the anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine and show support to Ukrainians in the local area and beyond.
Members of MAKE have designed and sewn special banners, which will be hung in the Whitworth’s Terrace Café, to mark the anniversary, with one side depicting the Ukrainian flag and the other with appliqued pictures inspired by the work of Ukrainian artist Maria Prymachenko.
The Whitworth’s Chef Manager will be working with local Ukrainian residents to develop and serve authentic Ukrainian food in the Terrace Café on the day, with Ukrainian music being played too. The flag of Ukraine will be flown from the terrace and at approximately 11am the Ukrainian national anthem will be played.
Paul Taylor, General Manager of The Whitworth said “we want to ensure that we are doing all we can to make those from other countries feel welcome and that they are all made to feel at home in this amazing community.”
All are welcome to come along and show their support for the people of Ukraine.
Event details:
Supporting Ukraine
Friday 24th February, from 10.30am
The Whitworth
Station Road
Darley Dale, Matlock
01629 733678
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