Arts Derbyshire


FORMAT International Photography Festival

Photoforum 25th May 2022 Azu Nwagbogu &  Cultural Evolution Artists

As part of FORMAT’s on-going Photoforum talks series, we are pleased to present this live talk featuring artists Bonolo Kavula, Lunga Ntila, Silvia Rosi and Stephen Tayo in conversation with curator Azu Nwagbogu.

These internationally renowned artists are exhibiting their work in The Cultural Evolution: Identity, Performance and Fashion exhibition in QUAD Gallery as part of FORMAT22 Presents. The talk will focus on key themes in each artists works relating to the exhibitions title (Identity – Performance – Fashion).

This talk will take place on Zoom. Tickets are free but  we welcome donatations in support of our ongoing talks programme.

25th May: 6.00pm BST

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The Cultural Evolution: Identity, Performance and Fashion Exhibition at QUAD Until 3rd July

FORMAT22: Presents exhibition – The Cultural Evolution: Identity, Performance and Fashion – curated by Azu Nwagbogu with artists; Adji Dieye (Italy/Senegal), Bonolo Kavula (South Africa), Silvia Rosi (Togo/Italy), Stephen Tayo (Nigeria), Lunga Ntila (South Africa) is at Derby’s art centre QUAD until 3rd July.

This exhibition evolves from the utopic manifestations of Afro-Futurist imaginary into a more benevolent performative reflection on the major challenges of our age—the Anthropocene and the role artists play in mediating cultural narratives for those hidden narratives and others left behind. It is contemplative and performative in its manifestation.

Until 3rd July
QUAD, Derby

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Kipya Ki? Digital Exhibition Until 3rd July

FORMAT22: Presents offers the opportunity to visit the immersive online exhibition Kipya Ki? created in partnership with the East African Photography organisation FOTEA bringing together emerging and established photographic talent within the UK and East Africa.

The artists exhibiting as part of Kipya Ki? work with digital and physical processes through mediums such as photography, sculpture, CGI, moving image and sound; experimenting through intervening, changing and altering used and new image material.

Displaying unique abilities to transform stories and images whilst navigating through unfamiliar territory, pushing the visual medium to encompass contemporary issues within social, political, industrial, technological and economical landscapes.

This project has been funded by the British Council and is hosted by New Art City.

Online exhibition
Until 3rd July

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