Arts Derbyshire


Dance Interaction training and work placement opportunity with Learning Through Arts lead artist Debi Hedderwick

Dance Interaction training and work placement opportunity with Learning Through Arts lead artist Debi Hedderwick

Dance Interaction is a unique practise developed by Debi Hedderwick at Learning Through Arts through long term in-depth work with young people in Special Education.

It uses creative contemporary dance practise (structured improvisation, collaborative creativity, contact work) combined with ideas and practise from creative personalised learning, dance therapy, intensive interaction and physical play to develop communication, self expression, social and personal confidence, interpersonal interaction, and self determination.

The work is delivered in one-to-one sessions or micro groups to allow for tailored and personalised development of content designed to suit each individual participant’s needs and interests; and sessions, although planned, allow for responsive and organic development of content according to the participant’s in the moment engagement.

This short course will introduce the philosophy and practise of the work, focusing on practical exploration and allowing time for group discussion, reflection and idea development. Participants will have the opportunity for work placement and practise in the LTA’s autumn special school programme and offer the potential in the longer term for joining the Dance Interaction team as a practitioner.

The course will be taking place on the 8th, 9th and 10th September 2021, from 2pm-5pm. The cost of the course is £60.

Venue: tbc on application


Please contact Debi for more information or booking on 07900 690237 /, and visit for more in depth information on and images of Dance Interaction.

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