Dozens of people of all ages, abilities and cultural backgrounds will come together for two flashmob performances – bringing the magic of Bollywood to Belper and Derby as part of the Derby Season of Light (DSOL) family festival.
Bollywood dance workshops have been organised in partnership with Fleet Arts and have been held over the past few weeks at Ripley, where their local LGBT+ Youth Group have been busy working on a new Bollywood dance routine under the title of ‘Amber Valleywood’. There is also a chance to register online and learn the routine free, from a video recorded by Surtal Arts’ dance artist and choreographer Nisha Nath: https://www.surtalarts.co.uk/bollywood-flashmob
The first DSOL Bollywood Flashmob will be held at the Farmers Market, Market Place, Belper on Saturday October 8th and then at the Derbion shopping centre for a second Flashmob on Saturday November 5th. Times of the flashmobs are a closely guarded secret so as not to spoil the surprise for passersby.
The Bollywood Flashmobs are just part of a packed Derby Season of Light festival of activities, events and performances to celebrate the city and county’s diversity and creativity.
The festival between September and December coincides with the festivals of Diwali, Bonfire Night, Hanukkah, Christmas and the preparations for Chinese New Year which all share the common theme of light. This year, the festival will also mark the 75th anniversary of India’s independence.
DSOL is spearheaded by Surtal Arts, the long-established Derby organisation rooted in traditional South Asian arts. They who are working with a wide range of partners including Derby City Council, Derby LIVE, Derby Museums, University of Derby, Déda, Derby Theatre, Air Arts, Fleet Arts, Number Twenty Eight and Belper Town Council, with funding from Arts Council England thanks to National Lottery players.
Surtal Arts’ chair Nisha Nath, who is a celebrated South Asian dance artist, explained: “Bollywood dance is funky energetic, colourful and, above all, fun which makes it a perfect part of Derby Season of Light.
“We have already been working with groups of people of all ages, ability and backgrounds and will then bring everyone together for a final rehearsal on the day of both flashmobs.
“Our aim is to bring Bollywood glamour to Belper Market Place and the Derbion shopping centre with colourful, high energy flashmobs which will surprise and amaze Saturday shoppers and hopefully be the talk of the town!”
To find out more, register and then access the flashmob routine video tutorial, please visit https://www.surtalarts.co.uk/bollywood-flashmob
And for more information about all the Derby Season of Light activities, events and performances are available at https://www.surtalarts.co.uk/season-of-light-2022-events
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