Photograph by Marley Starskey Butler
FORMAT in partnership with GRAIN (Birmingham) and QUAD (Derby) are delighted to announce the new iteration of their successful East Meets West masterclass programme, which will take place online.
The masterclass programme is for emerging photographers and offers professional development, inspiration, guidance and support in a collaborative learning environment in order to allow photographers to develop their practice, networks and new unique opportunities.
The programme will offer a platform for participants to receive guidance and participate in focussed discussions that will make a difference to their work and contribute to their career development.
The online sessions will be led by industry and art form leaders who will share their knowledge and practical advice on developing a successful career.
Deadline for applications: Midnight 15th August 2021. Please send your applications to info@formatfestival.com
There is still time to visit selected exhibitions from FORMAT21 that are on show across Derby in the city’s cultural institutions. If you are in or visiting Derby come and enjoy the face to face experience of seeing some amazing photography.
Black Country Dada by Brian Griffin: QUAD
Visit 19th May to 5th September 2021
Here, There and Everywhere by Anthony Bila, Uzoma Chidumaga Orji and Sipho Gongxeka: QUAD
Visit 19th May to 5th September 2021
Famous Internet Sites by Zou Jingyao: QUAD
Visit 19th May to 5th September 2021
Check out the FORMAT21 Festival video – including interviews with artists and curators this 30 minute film distils the 2021 festival theme of control and looks at the current debate of the artist as activist.
Created by artist Sipho Gongxeka as part of the exhibition FORMAT21 Presents: Here, There & Everywhere this limited edition Zine and Tote bag is available via the FORMAT shop for just £24. House of Realness challenges long-held notions of how black queer individuals are expected to publicly perform their identities, with a set of nostalgic images using an aesthetic that mimics a style of photography reminiscent street photography from the 1980s.
With texts by festival director Louise Fedotov-Clements, guest curators Marina Paulenka, W.M. Hunt, Paul Lowe and Jennifer Good, plus extracts from Brian Griffin’s book this year’s festival catalogue is packed with great images and articles accompanying each of the exhibitions in FORMAT21: Control.
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