Arts Derbyshire


Stainsby Festival: Newsflash April 2021

In these current uncertain times we’re planning to run again! But -isn’t there alway- the festival will need to adapt.

We want to run something that’s as magical as ever but also something that’s legal and – above all – safe, so we will probably have to make changes as we go. Whatever we do we’ll still be aiming to create that magical Stainsby atmosphere and that magical Stainsby experience.

Who’s on?

Well we’re working on that as we speak – but we all know that, as always, Stainsby will turn up some wonderful stuff: some familiar, some new, some surprising and some just downright weird. But that’s why you come, isn’t it? Speaking of which, you can help us out here, cos one of the things we need to know is how you all feel about coming to this year’s event. After all, who wants to give a party if nobody comes. So, here’s a short (honest it’s really short)) survey to help us understand where you’re all at after this miserable year.

Take our 1 minute survey



It’s a fair bet that numbers might need to be restricted because we don’t know what the government’s got planned (OK, who said “neither do they”?). So heads up, if you’re buying – get in early whilst you still can. Tickets are on sale now

We’ll give you this guarantee: if we can’t run we’ll give you a refund or a rollover to 2022 whichever you want. How’s that for a bit of re-assurance for spending your hard-earned cash? What’s more you can still save yourself a fiver with the EarlyBird discount if you buy before May 1st.


In other news

Ault Hucknall Parish Council have presented a Development Plan to the National Trust to save and retain Stainsby School for community use. The Plan has been developed together with local charities, community groups, small business enterprises, and the Festival. The Parish Council has raised the cash to do a structural survey of the building with the Trust’s permission. So far so good.

THEN, the Trust announced they were going to sell Stainsby School in an online auction in late April – before the survey could be done! After protests from the council, it’s been put back to May. But it’s still a very tight deadline! Join the protest at Save Stainsby School here or protest on the National Trust’s own Facebook, twitter, Instagram and social media feeds. You can also write in or email them (especially if you’re a member) to object to the loss of this, the last community asset in the hamlets around Stainsby, and what could also be a vital base for the Festival. Don’t hold back, tell ’em what you think!

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