The calendar for New Mills Festival is starting to get crowded! We’re aiming to have something for everyone in our Community to delight in during the New Mills Festival period from 9th to 25th September. It’s time to build local memories that will stay with you for years.
So where, you might ask, can I find out more? The Whats On section of New Mills Festival website is a great place to start: https://www.newmillsfestival.
And of course our facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
Here are the key facts about this year’s New Mills Festival.
This year’s theme is “Places and Spaces”, inspired by the past and brought to life in the present. New Mills was part of the High Peak King’s Forest, our roots in rock, our Places and Spaces inhabited by Forest Animals and given form by the ancient and mighty trees. Let’s re-visit our own special places and spaces.
For the full duration of New Mills Festival local businesses are taking part in “Blooming New Mills”, with a floral theme twining its way through shops, cafes and other premises.
A photography competition is being run by the New Mills & District Volunteer Centre for the full duration. There’s a new and interesting sounding Family Art Exhibition running from 9th September – viewing by appointment https://www.newmillsfestival.
The local yarn bombing group, the Woolly Wanderers, the people responsible for the 2021 Community Orchard Bird House will be crafting a Talking Space at the old phone box at the corner of Park Road / New Street. We hear rumours of a rocket ship. Sneak previews on their instagram account https://www.instagram.com/
A brief flavour of what else to expect as part of New Mills Festival 2022:
Community groups, venues, organisations are looking to share with local community and beyond the Places and Spaces that make New Mills special with events including:
Local History – learn more about local Places and Spaces with Mike Daniels at the Shrub Club on the afternoon of Wednesday 14th September. Info here – https://www.newmillsfestival.
Why, you may ask, have I included a picture of somewhere that’s definitely not local? Well, on Wednesday 21st September evening there’s the opportunity to hear (and see) Peak District resident James Ellson talking about soloing the Matterhorn. Tickets here – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/
Art / Craft / Antiques
Made in New Mills – a long standing festival favourite returns.
Craft Fair
Antiques Fair
The Light Within – High Peak Community Arts
Spring Bank are hosting Remi Harris, also Mellora Collective and the Scratch Choir.
St George’s Church are hosting a Festival of Choirs.
Sofa sessions – Paul Diello.
Home Farm Events
Home Farm, now in its second year of sowing, reaping, milling and baking has a resident theatre company, Unfinished Business for a week long stay as part of this year’s project. The programme has some intriguing events: Mush, Rest & Rise Again, The Bakery of Slow Ideas and Harvest Home.
Apple Day
Comedian Angela Bra
Performing once again at the Pride of the Peaks; a night of raucous fun.
Torrside Brewery Tap
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