Come and join us this Saturday 1st April for our monthly coffee morning. Whether you’re one of our regulars or have never attended before, you’ll be most welcome. It takes place between 10:30am and 12:30pm. As usual they’ll be a great range of homemade cakes for you to enjoy with your tea or coffee.
Alongside our monthly coffee morning we will be hosting our AGM, please ensure that your membership is up to date. You can renew your membership Mon to Fri 9:30-12:30pm on 01663 308202 or on the day.
Both rooms will be open and available should you wish to join the AGM at 11am or sit with family and friends and have a natter in the Ingham’s room.
You can also pop in and find out about our upcoming events, pick up a leaflet and purchase tickets.
Submit your news items to editor@artsderbyshire.org.uk or fill out this news submission form.
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