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We are pleased to inform you that some more places have become available for people living with dementia and/or memory loss to take part in the Matinée Outreach project.
Matinée have room for a handful of people to start before Christmas and they are also taking details of those interested in joining the project in the new year.
Matinée Outreach gives people living with dementia and/or memory loss, and their carers, the opportunity to work with an artist on a 1-1 basis over telephone and post. Participants can explore creative writing, crafts or visual art from the comfort of their own home and all sessions are tailored to individual interests and needs.
Participants work with artists for approximately 8 weeks. The project will be coming to an end in March 2022 so the team at Matinée are keen to hear from people who would like to take part.
You can read more about the project here, along with the Matinée latest news article.
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