Arts Derbyshire


Artist working in any art-form for project in schools

ARTICLE-Artist working in any art-form for project in schools.

Derbyshire Fly is an exciting new arts project to support young people in seven schools across Derbyshire to access support around sexual health and sensitive issues. Stigma around asking for help has a big impact on the well-being of children and young people.

This project aims to create a space where young people can voice some of the barriers that they/their peers may experience to accessing sexual health services or support around related sensitive issues (e.g. puberty), explore how these barriers can be addressed and communicate that to an audience through art.

The process of the creation of the art and the discussion around it will be as important as the outcome itself. Artists working in any art-form with a proven track record in creatively engaging young people around sensitive issues are invited to apply.

For an application pack email: jane.o’
Deadline: 29th March.

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