Arts Derbyshire


APPLY NOW: High Peak Community Arts is seeking a Mental Health Support Worker

HIGH PEAK COMMUNITY ARTS, Mental Health Support Worker
High Peak Community Arts needs a mental health support worker for Project eARTh, its programme for adults experiencing mental distress.

The role includes supporting participants attending Project eARTh workshops on Mondays in Buxton, 10am – 12 noon and 1pm – 3pm during term time; and conducting baseline and review interviews with participants for project monitoring ( telephone or face to face).

In the workshops, the worker provides general help and support to participants to engage in the arts activities, as well as a listening ear and emotional support as required.

Pay is at £15 per hour with 40p per mile travel, on a freelance contract, so ideal for someone with a portfolio of employment.

For more details contact, 01663 744516.

Apply now: Deadline, 14th March 2022.

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