Arts Derbyshire


The Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance is looking for new Board Members

The Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance is looking for new Board Members

Deadline 28/10/24

The Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance is looking for 2-3 new Directors, including a co-treasurer and a co-chair. The deadline for applications is 11 am on Monday 28th October.

CHWA are focused on their resilience and development and is keen to appoint Board members who will be able to help them think through how to manage the organisation’s stability in a challenging funding environment. They are also concerned with building a more equitable and representative organisation, which can support the wider sector to address health and structural inequalities with skill and confidence. They’ll be seeking Directors’ support with their developing Equality Action Plan (the current EAP can be found alongside CHWA’s policies, here). They are committed to building a diverse, inclusive Board so that CHWA can be as effective and relevant as possible for those supporting health and wellbeing through culture and creativity.

For this round of appointments, they are particularly interested in hearing from people with experience of health and/or social care systems, heritage and/or libraries but they do welcome applications from across the full spectrum of creative health.

“This is primarily an unpaid role, but we recognise the structural inequality in this sector, and have introduced a partial payment system to recognise the value Board members bring to organisations. This applies to freelance or self-employed people or people who are unwaged or on a low or part-time wage.”

You can find more details about their approach and priorities in the full application information, available here:

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