Arts Derbyshire


Quality Conversations for Mental Health training

Quality Conversations for Mental Health training

What is it?

The Quality Conversations for Mental Health training is a 3-hour training course to help participants develop more confidence for everyday conversations with people around mental health.

Who it’s for?
It is for staff and volunteers from statutory, community and voluntary sector organisations, working in Derbyshire County or Derby City.

Where and when is it (Person or Online)
It is mainly delivered on MS Teams, however we can offer bespoke sessions to teams which can be face to face or online if you contact the QC Team. Current dates include August and September.

What can you get from the training?
– learn how to start conversations about wellbeing, mental health, and helpful ways to respond
– develop more confidence in everyday interactions around people’s wellbeing
– learn mental health conversation skills for working life – and life away from work.

You can sign up by
Visiting the DCC website here: Quality conversations training – Derbyshire County Council

Any questions please email

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