Arts Derbyshire


Creative health: regather / Arts Derbyshire New Horizons. 15th May, 10-1, Doe Lea Centre

Creative Health: regather

Arts Derbyshire New Horizons. 15th May, 10-1, Doe Lea Centre

Where have we come from? Where are we going?

Creative health work operates in the spaces in between.  This is both its strength, and its weakness.

Its strength because it touches the people and ideas that exist in the in-between…the margins, the interstices, the fuzzy, ambiguous, complex, fluid melting pots.  These are often the places of greatest need and biggest gaps… but also the places of greatest possibility.  What are we best at? Who are we helping, and how? Where can our skills be better put to use and how can we get there?

Its weakness, because strategically it is often less visible, less familiar, and harder to understand than the historical norms or the more well-trodden pathways of systems that operate in silos, or for majorities.  Creative health work operates in the spaces in between but falls through the gaps.  But has this affected the psychology of the sector over the years?  Do we bend ourselves out of shape or self-limit?  Have we become so conditioned that we don’t know how to be truly ambitious and neither understand (nor ask for) what it is that we need in order for this sector to have a truly transformational impact for the people who need it most?

At Arts Derbyshire we have been working to develop understanding of and opportunities for creative health to flourish within communities, social prescribing and wider health systems for many years. Now, Arts Derbyshire is set to host a new post for the Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance, who will support strategic developments, conversations and relationships for creative health locally, in the county, and across the region.

Join us on 15th May for a preparatory conversation, including provocations and creative activity to stimulate our thinking, and questions about how we can best coalesce our assets and efforts for greater impact, with a shared meal to get conversation flowing.

All this plus details of how you can benefit from a new personal wellbeing support offer bespoke to the creative sector from Arts Derbyshire and Derbyshire County Council Public Health.

***Please note, this gathering will take a different format to usual New Horizons meetings.  There will be no updates, reports, pop-up exhibition or panels, in order to make space for conversation***

This event is most relevant to those with an interest in or who work in the field of creative health in Derbyshire County

Click here for more info and to book. *Booking essential*


Image: “Work is love”. Kate Genever for Arts Derbyshire

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