The North East Derbyshire District Council (NEDDC), who are currently working on a Town Deal for Clay Cross, hold £24.1m which has been approved in principal by the Government for a number of projects aimed at regenerating the town centre.
One of these projects is the development of a Creative Hub. This would provide community activities and events, and also potentially workspace for creative entrepreneurs, freelancers and cultural organisations.
To inform the project’s development, the Council is seeking to gather an understanding of the demand for workspace and the requirements of potential tenants to ensure that the project design is fit for purpose and delivers what is needed by the sector. To that end, they have prepared a short online survey.
The Council would very much appreciate it if you could spare five minutes to complete the survey using the following the link: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/ClayCrossCreative/
Please note that the deadline for completing the survey is Friday 5th November 2021.
If you have any queries with regard to the survey or the project, please contact: Martyn Handley, Strategic Sites Project Manager, North East Derbyshire District Council on 01246 217203 or email martyn.handley@ne-derbyshire.gov.uk
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