Following this summer’s successful Fringe, organisers are already planning for next July’s event and have announced a new programme cover competition with a prize of £100.
The Fringe has a reputation for spectacular artwork on its covers with 2023’s programme featuring a striking photographic image by Caroline Claye of High Peak Photography Club inspired by the Fringe’s floral hot spots round the town.
Entries are welcome in any medium and the contest is open to amateur and professional artists of all ages. The winning design will be featured on thousands of Fringe programmes, the flyer, badges, marketing and in the press with the work of runners up also set to be featured on the Fringe website.
The choice of subject matter is being left completely up to the entrants, but the Fringe is offering a few hints and guidelines. Marketing officer Stephanie Billen says: “We’ve put together a few handy dos and don’ts so that entrants have all the information they need. The winning entry will be bold and eye-catching, showcasing the distinctive style of the artist whilst conveying the spirit of the Fringe. Feel free to surprise us!”
The competition is open to all and the closing date for the competition is January 8 2024. Full details and tips are available on https://buxtonfringe.org.uk/artcompetition.html . Anyone interested is also welcome to find out more at the Fringe’s open-to-all Annual General Meeting on Wednesday November 22 at the Green Man Gallery, Buxton, 7 for 7.30pm.
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