Following the success of the Book Drop in May, run in partnership with Marketing Derby bondholders, we will be making another appeal for donations of pre-loved, gently used children’s books that may be gathering dust in Derby homes!
In May we collected over 800 wonderful books, which were distributed via 15 local schools to children across the city who may not have many books at home.
This time we will be working with QUAD and Marketing Derby, who have generously offered to provide drop-off points for your donations. If you have any books, please bring them to:
From Tuesday 14th to Friday 17th November (12noon to 4pm)
From Friday 17th to Sunday 19th November (10am-8pm) – so please bring them with you when you join us for events at our Autumn Edition.
Derby Book Festival Chair and Treasurer
The closing date looms for Expressions of Interest for two key roles at the Festival: Chair and Treasurer. If you are interested in either role, please send an Expression of Interest explaining why either of these voluntary roles interest you, what you feel you could offer Derby Book Festival as either Chair or Treasurer and a copy of your CV to:
DBF Board Trustee and Chair of the Search Committee, Professor Keith McLay, k.mclay@derby.ac.uk by 5pm on 30 October.
Shared Reading roles
We are delighted to have made appointments to our two Shared Reading roles: Strategic Lead and Volunteer & Support Officer. We are just finalising references and will then introduce you to them both. Thank you to everyone who applied.
Thrivemind Village Book sale
Thrivemind Village (an exciting new bookish project on Iron Gate!) will be having a second hand book sale to raise funds for their community kitchen, so browse an ethical Xmas gift! It’ll be a cosy afternoon, with hot drinks and vegan cake.
Local artist Karen Logan will be running a print-making workshop where you can create a beautiful bookmark for a fellow book-lover and grab a cushion to listen to a selection of children’s stories in the Kid’s Story Nook, read by co-founder of TMV, Liz Le Drew.
It will be a wonderful Autumn day!
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