This fall month has been vibrant and eventful. People from diverse cultures united to celebrate peace week and expressed what peace means to them through art. A ray of freshness was injected by outreaching young people in Derby College Fresher’s fair. A number of new projects have started which will run for the next few years. These projects are designed to involve people from different age groups and ethnic backgrounds. Our new projects have a focus on mental wellbeing, community building, health, skills, conserving nature and much more.
An artist residency project- Partition Parables is initiated with 2 artists – Tarla Patel and Rachel Magdeburg and our next call out for upcoming art residency in partnership with Format Festival for the Holi is open for applications. Thought provoking art exhibitions are scheduled in the coming months. Our café is buzzing with the aroma of handmade samosas and freshly baked cakes. People from around the city are attracted to our eatery for warmth and comforting snacks.
This month is exciting with some groovy festivals being celebrated. People from all walks of life had united to sync in for Garba at the night after Navratri Dance celebration. People danced all through the night in a colourful and vibrant ambience. Our upcoming event is Diwali, a festival of lights. The event is organised big at Artcore with lot of activities to be involved in- rangoli art, lighting lamps, performances and refreshments to enjoy…
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