When you’ve experienced the King’s Coronation come along to Spital Arts in the evening to enjoy this brilliant show with two local musicians, Poke O’Swedgers with an original Judy and Punch show!
Poke O’Swedgers are a sweet, Anglo-Scottish acoustic duo. They have unwisely described themselves as “half Rab C. Nesbitt, half BBC”.
Poke O’Swedgers is also a Scots dialect phrase for a bag of sweets. In this case, the bag contains singer Kev and guitarist Dave – a simple concept dedicated to bringing you tasty harmony, original songs and delicious melodies. They released a couple of albums on the Trousers! label – Govanhill Moonshine in 2019 and Geneva’s Shore in 2021 – https://pokeoswedgers.bandcamp.com/. The songs deal with the weirder aspects of Glasgow nightlife, the philanderings of Lord Byron, the care of domestic plants, wandering the Cuckoo Way and the odd smattering of … lurv. Our gigs are acoustic, informal and intimate.Just the mixture you need after the solemnity of the coronation!
On 6th May Spital Arts will also be presenting – as the sandwich filling between the musical barmcakes – Professor Bellissimo and his hand-crafted contemporary Judy and Punch show. All the favourite characters from seaside days of yore, with updated storylines to reflect changing attitudes and tastes. And yes, there will be swazzles and squashidges, so definitely not to be missed!
The event takes place on Saturday May 6th at 7.30pm at St.Leonard’s Church, Valley Road/Hartington Road, Spital, Chesterfield S41 0HA
Doors open at 7pm and tickets cost just £10 from the Spital Arts Facebook page, email; spitalarts@gmail.com or telephone 01246 220741
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