We have pulled together a list of organisations and online resources related to arts & education. We hope you find this a useful resource.
If you find any broken links, or have suggestions about additions, please email us: editor@artsderbyshire.org.uk.
Local Arts & Education organisations
University of Derby
The University of Derby offers courses include Fine art, Film and video, Creative writing, Design, Music technology, Photography, Theatre, Ceramics, Healing arts, Dance, Drama and Art therapy.
National Arts & Education organisations
Access Art
A registered UK charity AccessArt is a membership organisation which relies on the income created from memberships to continue to expand and develop the inspirational resources it shares via the AccessArt website. They facilitate high quality visual arts workshops and events to a wide audience.
Discover about great artists and their most famous paintings. Artble is an encyclopaedic webpage where you can find unique information about artists from many different art periods.
It is a national award scheme, managed by Arts Council England. Artsmark is open to primary, secondary and special schools, pupil referral units, youth offending teams and sixth form colleges.
Developed by Arts Council England, the young people’s Arts Award is the first awards scheme to recognise young people’s development through the arts. Their mission is to support young people who want to deepen their engagement with the arts, build creative and leadership skills and achieve a national qualification.
Budding artists
BuddingArtist was formed to offer a unique reference point on how to draw, paint and become an artist. The site is a definitive source of top quality and entertaining information about becoming an artist.
Creative Partnerships
Scheme that develops long-term partnerships between schools and cultural and creative organisations. Local Creative Partnerships are Derby, and Bolsover, Ashfield and Mansfield.
Creativity Culture & Education
An international foundation dedicated to transforming the learning experience of children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds across the world. CCE use the power of creativity to unlock their potential for achievement, attainment and well-being by supporting the confidence and capability of the education in their lives.
Creative & Cultural Skills
Creative & Cultural Skills works across the UK to create a fair and skilled cultural sector by shaping skills, education and employment best practice. Through a programme of training, tools & resources, events, one to one support, sector updates and research, we provoke action and enable learning opportunities that drive change and help to build an inclusive skilled sector.
Engage represents gallery and visual art education professionals throughout the UK and worldwide. They support art educators, organisations, freelancers and artists to work together with communities in dynamic, open exchanges that give everyone the opportunity to learn and benefit from the arts.
National Education Network
NEN provides a number of unequalled advantages for schools, offering a secure and safe environment where issues such as copyright are managed and where teachers, pupils and parents can work confidently together. They provide a wealth of services and resources, many of which can be accessed via an NEN members broadband connection.
National Learning and Work Institute
NLWI are an independent policy, research and development organisation dedicated to lifelong learning, full employment and inclusion. Their mission is to research what works, influence policies, develop new ways of thinking and help implement new approaches.
National Foundation for Educational Research
NFER’s mission is to generate evidence and insights that can be used to improve outcomes for future generations everywhere, and to support positive change across the education system.
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